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50 Things to do When You Turn 50 Book

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If you are among the more than 50 million North Americans who will turn 50 during the next 10 years, 50 Things To Do When You Turn 50 is the book that will help you approach the experience with optimism rather than dread. Now in its third edition, our perennial bestseller is packed with wisdom and wit from artists, pundits, and experts who contributed essays on a wide variety of subjects. The book comprises a veritable instruction manual for how to turn 50: everything from how to readjust your stock portfolio to how to readjust your underwear (to allow for more breathing room . . . wearing comfortable clothing is a privilege that you have more than earned by now). The underlying message is this: Relax. Now that you’re 50, you don’t have to prove yourself anymore, so take care, get your house in order, and these will be the best years of your life.

Tags: 50, Birthday, Book, Gift